Today I took a pleasure flight around St Helena :)
Shortly after take off from Francis Plain
Circling for Height, looking back at the landing ground
Looking down at Harpers Valley, those reservoirs should have a little more water in them!!!
As should this one
High Knoll Fort
Redhill and Redgate
Redgate a little Closer
And closer again!!! [with Remi's foot]
I can see my house from here :) Looking across Sapper Way and Cleughs Plain
Looking back across Half Tree Hollow
And down to Donkey Plain
Lower Cleughs Plain
Plantation House and Pounceys above
That's me!!! Well not me, but our shadow
I think this is Guinea Grass
Plantation and Pounceys again, it got a bit windy so we were changing direction a lot [as Remi steered us around]
Guinea Grass again and Rosemary Plain
The Zig Zag road between Sunnyside and Scotland
Scotland in Front, then Plantation and St Pauls Cathedral
3 Peaks in the Distance, I think we're about level :)
If you can see your house from here thank you for organising this for me
(Rosemary Plain)
If you can see your house from here - get those reservoirs filled!
Urm... this looks like Thomsons Hill, but I don't remember going that far...
The Zig Zag road again with St Pauls and Half Tree Hollow Beyond
oh and hills in the background
and again
I can see my house from Here:)
And Again!
The Wind is heading for Ascension and [Remi is] taking us over New Ground
High Knoll
Ah, heading back for the landing ground
Clay Gut
Half Tree Hollow
And the wind [not the wind, Remi] takes us round in a circle so I can see my office. Nice wind [Remi] :)
Am I going back to my house?
Clay Gut from the other side
The front 2 fit nicely, except for the gap which the back one doesn't quite fill properly.
But I was in the air!!!
Empty Reservoirs again
Coming in to land
Or not
Redgate again
White Gate
Plantation and St Pauls
St Pauls and Pounceys
Coming in to Land
Coming in to land
Last look at the View
Have we missed?
No, we got back safely
(there is also a wing, but that was taken off)
Many thanks to Remi for taking me up :)