Saturday, 5 May 2012

I've gone Metric because I can't Count

I've realised I need to swim Kilometres because I can't keep count high enough to do a mile.

The pool is 33m long, so a kilometre is 30 lengths, and a mile is 48. Swimming today I lost track by either 6 or 8 lengths and was completely off at about 27 (I knew I'd done an even number but reckoned I was on 27...) I have no hope of keeping anything like an accurate count to 48 lengths so I've decided that if I'm doing lengths for the sake of lengths (like today) I'll set the bar at 30 for a kilometre. Whilst I can't count to 30, I am reasonably confident that I can have a vague idea of when I've done 30.

It's odd, I'm normally good at maths, but when wet it goes completely to pot. With diving you have to talk to your buddy about how much air you have, holding up fingers for each 100bar on the gauge. Sounds really easy, a full tank is 2000bar so that's both hands, twice; and the reserve starts at 500bar so that's one hand. But frequently I'll spend a good time working out how many fingers I need, and then realise I'm still wrong (eg 8 fingers for 700 bar).

Oddly, last week when I dived in a large group I spotted someone else struggling to work out how many fingers to hold up - I was on about 700bar and eventually they seemed to be holding up 14 fingers (which i struggled to believe), but it took a couple of attempts.

I think a key feature for teachers is to make sure the roof doesn't leak - I'm now convinced that water degrades the brain's ability to do maths.

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