Saturday, 7 January 2012

5th Jan, Ascension

Well, I arrived. Cold and tired, and beginning to think I’d made a mistake. I was surprised that everyone in the plane was stripping to just their shirt, I was aware it was 32C outside, but it didn’t feel like that until I left the plane, wow, that felt good! The chap I was sitting next to said that all the passengers for the Falklands get off and have to wait in a cage, I hadn’t realised he was serious. Architecture on Ascension seems different from what they tried to teach me at Uni. I was told it was to define what was inside and what was outside, well going into the Arrivals lounge there were doors, walls and a roof, but it wasn’t what I would describe as indoors...

Well, it was organised, a bus was waiting for hotel guests, with enough space for bags in the back. Our rooms were ready and we were let in as soon as we got there. I went for a short walk and took some photos before getting a shower and a nap. I then discovered it was half-day closing for the shop and I should have bought lunch earlier as everywhere was shut. Spent the afternoon wandering around, opened a bank account, paid for my internet when I arrive and sorted the contract on my home for the next 2 years.

Everyone’s Friendly
People keep saying hello as though they know me, I was prepared for them being friendly, but hadn’t expected it to be quite like this. All of my stupid questions get answered with a smile, often with some additional tips as though they know what I’m going to ask before I do. I’m beginning to notice the fact that I haven’t really travelled before as everything is a new experience, and I mean everything, which I wasn’t quite prepared for.

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